干翻 nio ,王炸 io_uring 来了 ,史上最详细说明及最全图解!!

大趋势:全链路异步化,性能提升10倍+ 随着业务的发展,微服务应用的流量越来越大,使用到的资源也越来越多。 在微服务架构下,大量的应用都是 SpringCloud 分布式架构,这种架构总体上是 全链路同步模式 。 全链路同步模式 不仅造成了资源的极大浪费,并且在流量发生激增波动的时候,受制于系统资源而无法快速的扩容。 全球后疫情时代,降本增效是大背景。如何降本增效?一条好的路径: 全链路同步模式  ,升级为  全链路异步模式 。 全链路异步模式 改造 具体的内容,请参考尼恩的深度文章: 全链路异步,让你的 SpringCloud 性能优化10倍+ 先回顾一下全链路同步模式架构图 全链路同步模式  ,如何升级为  全链路异步模式 , 就是一个一个 环节的异步化。 40岁老架构师尼恩,持续深化自己的3高架构知识宇宙,当然首先要去完成一次牛逼的 全链路异步模式 微服务实操,下面是尼恩的实操过程、效果、压测数据(性能足足提升10倍多)。 全链路异步模式 改造 具体的内容,请参考尼恩的深度文章: 全链路异步,让你的 SpringCloud 性能优化10倍+ 并且,上面的文章,作为尼恩 全链路异步的架构知识,收录在《 尼恩Java面试宝典 》V52版的架构专题中 注:本文以 PDF 持续更新,最新尼恩 架构笔记、面试题 的PDF文件,请从这里获取: 语雀 或者 码云 全链路异步化的最终目标 全链路异步化的最终目标,如下图所示: 应用层:编程模型的异步化 框架层:IO线程的异步化 OS层:IO模型的异步化 一:应用层:编程模型的异步化 这个请大家去看 尼恩的 《 响应式 圣经 PDF 》电子书 随着 云原生时代的到来, 底层的 组件编程 越来越 响应式、流化, 从命令式 编程转换到 响应式 编程,在非常多的场景 ,是大势所趋。 而响应式编程, 学习曲线很大, 大家需要多看,多实操。 二:框架层:IO线程的异步化 这个大家 都选择 具有异步 回调功能的 异步线程模型,如 Reactor 线程模型 这个是面试的绝对重点 IO的王者组件,Netty框架,整体就是一个 Reactor 线程模型 实现 也是非常核心的知识,这里不做展开,请大家去看尼恩的畅销书《Java 高并发核心编程卷 1 加强版》。 三:OS层:IO模型的异步化 目前的一个最大难题,...

[LoadTeam hangs up to make money] Just hang up the computer and you can easily earn US dollars. Come and try!


Hanging up to make money may be the most ideal way for many friends to make money. When the machine is turned on, you can start to wait for the income to be received after the setting is completed. It is really a one-time investment and permanent income. But is there such a good thing? Uncle Tu tells you, of course there is, and it can really be reflected in the account. It is very suitable for novice online earning friends to get started, Today, I would like to introduce an excellent platform to earn dollars by hanging up computers: LoadTeam.


LoadTeam is a Windows program that can make money by using the idle computing resources of the computer. If the machine is running, it will be wasted if not used.

After the LoadTeam is started, it will be minimized to run in the background and process tasks one by one. After the work is completed, the results will be sent to the LoadTeam computing center and the work remuneration will be obtained according to the calculation workload. As long as the cumulative balance reaches $1, it can be withdrawn to the PayPal account. The same account can run LoadTeam on any number of computers. The longer the cumulative time to complete the work and the greater the workload, the more remuneration will be obtained.

After a period of experiment, Uncle Tu found that it was feasible. Now he can get a free fee of 0.2 dollars for joining. Anyway, most of the time when he uses a computer, the computer is idle. If he doesn't use it, it will be wasted. For example, when he goes to work, watches a play, brushes the web page, etc., he can make money by hanging up in the background.

If you don't want to affect the normal use of the computer because of it, you can adjust the computing power to intelligently complete tasks according to whether the computer is idle, so that the normal use of the computer will not be affected at all.

1. Start LoadTeam

2. Calculation adjustment

3. Withdrawal application

4. Withdrawal to account email reminder

make money

Account registration: click to register


Register an account and download the client. After the installation, you can start to make money. You don't need to invest any extra energy. It's not as exciting as taking action. Come and try it. LoadTeam is a real money making tool that can make money by hanging up the phone. You can not only make money by hanging up the phone yourself, but also invite friends to make money together. From the current performance, it is completely normal and you can enter the pit at ease.


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